Idrissi Janati, A., Gigliotti, J., Sanders, J., Makhoul, N., Emami, E., Martel, M. O., Gosselin, N. et al., (Under Review). The Utilization of Psychosocial Oncology Services by Oral Cancer Patients According to their Minority Language Profile in Montreal Area: A Study Protocol for a Real-Word Observational Study. BMC Public Health. (Preprint https://www.researchsquare.
Lachance, K-A., Pelland-Goulet, P. & Gosselin, N. (2025). Listening habits and subjective effects of background music in young adults with and without ADHD. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
Gosselin, N., Cloutier, A., Bugos, J.A., Alain, C. (2024). Aging, Music and Executive Functions. In Grafman, J (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Human Brain (2nd ed.). United States: Elseiver.
Roman, M., Archambault, K., Garel, P. & Gosselin N. (2023). Music interventions with Children, Adolescents and Emerging Adults in Mental Health Settings: A Scoping Review. Arts & Health. Aug 20: 1-21.
Vaillancourt, G., Brault. A., Perrin, J. & Gosselin N. (2022). Personalized Audio Montage: Impact of a Receptive Music Therapy Method-Variation on Youth Experiencing Homelessness. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy: 1-14.
Léonard, C., Desaulniers-Simon, J. M., Tat, D., De Beaumont, L. et Gosselin, N. (2021). Effects of Music Intervention on Stress in Concussed and Non-Concussed Athletes. Brain Sciences, 11(11), 1501.
Bolduc, J., Gosselin, N., Chevrette, T., & Peretz, I. (2020). The impact of music training on inhibition control, phonological processing, and motor skills in kindergarteners: a randomized control trial. Early Child Development and Care, 1-10.
Giroux, S. V., Caparos, S., Gosselin, N., Rutembesa, E., & Blanchette, I. (2020). Impact of Music on Working Memory in Rwanda. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 774.
Drapeau, J., Gosselin, N., Peretz, I., & McKerral, M. (2019). Electrophysiological responses to emotional facial expressions following a mild traumatic brain injury. Brain sciences, 9(6), 142.
Emami, E., Gosselin, N., Rainville, P., & Durand, R. (2017). Culturally adapted musical intervention for patient-centred health care. Journal of Canadian Dental Association. H13
Drapeau J, Gosselin N, Peretz I, Mckerral M. Emotional recognition from dynamic facial, vocal and musical expressions following traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury 2016; 221-229
Drouin L, Gagnon L, Platel H, Ingari R, Gosselin N. Impacts multidimentionnels du chant pour les personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie. La Gérontoise 2016 ; 27 : 7-18
Anderson K, Dagher J, Gosselin N, Tinawi S, de Guise E. The management of agitation during acute and sub-acute hospitalization for traumatic brain injury. D Delgado (Eds), Traumatic Brain Injury: Diagnosis, Management, and Long-term Outcomes. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York. 2016
Phillips-Silver J, Toiviainen P, Gosselin N, Turgeon C, Lepore F, Peretz I. Cochlear implant users move in time with the beat of drum music. Hearing Research 2015; 321: 25-34
Gosselin N, Paquette S, Peretz I. Sensitivity to musical emotion in amusia. Cortex 2015; 71: 171-182
Gosselin N, Peretz I. Évaluation de la perception et de la mémoire musicale. X Seron & M Van der Linden, Eds. Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l’adulte : Tome 1 Évaluation. 2e édition. Bruxelles: De Boeck-Solal. 2014 (pages 397-410)
Peretz I, Saffran J, Schön & Gosselin N (2012) Statistical learning of speech, not music in congenital amusia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (ANYAS) 1252, 361-6
Gagnon L, Gosselin N, Provencher V, Bier N (2012) Perception and emotional judgment of music in dementia of the Alzheimer type: A short case study. Music Perception 29, 509-19
Drapeau J, Gosselin N, McKerral M (2011) Emotional recognition from face, voice and music following a traumatic brain injury: Current state of knowledge. Neuropsicologia Latinonamericana 3, 25-33
Gosselin N et al (2011) Impaired recognition of musical emotions and facial expressions following anteromedial temporal lobe excision. Cortex, 47, 1116-25
Phillips-Silver J, Toiviainen P, Gosselin N et al (2011) Born to dance but beatdeaf: A new form of congenital amusia. Neuropsychologia, 49, 961-9
Tillmann B, Burnham D, Nguyen S, Grimault N, Gosselin N, & Peretz I (2011) Congenital amusia (or tone-deafness) interferes with pitch processing in tone languages. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 1-15
Hutchins S, Gosselin N, Peretz I (2010) Identification of changes along a continuum of speech intonation is impaired in congenital amusia. Frontiers in Psychology 1, 1-8
Tillman B, Jolicoeur P, Ishihara M, Gosselin N et al (2010) The amusic brain: Lost in music, but not in space. PLoS One 5, 1-6
Gosselin N, Peretz I et al (2009) Music lexical networks: The cortical organization of music recognition. ANYAS 1169, 256-65.
Fritz T, Jentschke S, Gosselin N et al. (2009) Universal recognition of three basic emotions in music. Current Biology 19, 573-6
Drapeau J, Gosselin N et al (2009) Emotion recognition from face, voice and music in dementia of the Alzheimer type: Implication for music therapy. ANYAS 1169, 342-5
Nguyen S, Tillmann B, Gosselin N, Peretz I (2009) Tonal language processing in congenital amusia. ANYAS 1169, 490-3
Gosselin N, Jolicoeur P, Peretz I (2009) Impaired memory for pitch in congenital amusia.ANYAS 1169, 270-2
Roy M, Mailhot, JP, Gosselin N et al (2009) Modulation of the startle reflex by pleasant and unpleasant music. International Journal of Psychophysiology 71, 37-42
Peretz I, Gosselin N et al (2008) On-line identification of congenital amusia. Music Perception 25, 311-43
Vieillard S, Peretz I, Gosselin N et al (2008) Happy, sad, scary and peaceful musical excerpts for research on emotions. Cognition & Emotion 22, 720-52
Gosselin N, Peretz I, Johnsen E & Adolphs R (2007) Amygdala damage impairs emotion recognition from music. Neuropsychologia 45, 233-44
Tillman B, Peretz I, Bigand E & Gosselin N (2007) Harmonic priming in an amusic patient: The power of implicit tasks. Cognitive Neuropsychology 24, 603-22
Gosselin N et al (2006) Emotional responses to unpleasant music correlates with damage to the parahippocampal cortex. Brain 129, 2585-92
Gosselin N et al (2005) Impaired recognition of scary music following unilateral temporal lobe excision. Brain 128, 628-40
Dalla Bella S, Peretz I, RousseauL & GosselinN (2001) A developmental study of the affective value of tempo and mode in music. Cognition 80, 1-10
Dalla Bella S, Peretz I, Rousseau L, Gosselin N et al (2001) A developmental study of the happy-sad distinction in music appreciation: Does tempo emerge earlier than mode?ANYAS 930, 436-8